&hint1=I am a hanging scroll& &hint2=I was thought to show a connection between the character of an artist and the quality of his line& &hint3=I show how the calligraphic line depends on the pressure of the brush& &hint4=I depict a common Chinese plant& &choices=The Sixth Patriarch Chopping Bamboo at Enlightenment;Li Po Chanting a Poem;Bamboo;The Three Friends of the Cold Season;The Nymph of the River Luo;Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk& &answer=Bamboo& &search=WenTong& &title=Bamboo& &artist=Wen Tong& &medium=Hanging scroll, ink on silk& &date=c.1070& &location=National Palace Museum, Taipei& &dimensions=4'2" x 3'5 1/2"&